GPIO, Input & Output GUI panel using Tkinter

The tutorial guides you through creating a graphical panel to control all of the Raspberry Pi’s 21 GPIOs as either input or output pins.

The Raspberry Pi is one of the most popular hardware projects in the world. A lot of people have one, but not everyone knows what to do with it. You can use it as a desktop computer or the brain of an electronic circuit. 

What are GPIO Pins?

GPIO stands for General Purpose Input/Output. It’s a standard interface for digital input and output used to connect microcontrollers to other electronic devices. For example, it can be used with sensors, diodes, displays, and System-on-Chip modules. 

It allows these devices to control external components like rotors and IR transmitters (output) while also receiving data from sensor modules and switches (input) (input). GPIO enables our Raspberry Pi to interface with a wide range of external components, making it suitable for applications ranging from a weather station to a self-driving robot. For GPIO pins to work, software configurations will be required.

Raspberry Pi Zero GPIO Pinout in detail:

In this tutorial, we’ll create a graphical panel that allows us to control all 21 GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi as input or output pins.

Step 1 – Programming the Raspberry Pi

  • Create a new Python file on the Raspberry Pi’s Python IDLE and enter the following code.

import sys


  from Tkinter import *


  from tkinter import *

import RPi.GPIO as pi

import math

#import tkSimpleDialog

class LED(Frame):

“””A Tkinter LED Widget.

a = LED(root,10)


current_state = a.get()”””



   def __init__(self,master,size=10,**kw):

      self.size = size



      self.state = LED.OFF_STATE

      self.c = Canvas(self,width=self[‘width’],height=self[‘height’])


      self.led = self._drawcircle((self.size/2)+1,(self.size/2)+1,(self.size-1)/2)

   def _drawcircle(self,x,y,rad):

       “””Draws the circle initially”””


       return self.c.create_oval(x-rad,y-rad,x+rad,y+rad,width=rad/5,fill=color,outline=’black’)

   def _change_color(self):

       “””Updates the LED colour”””

       if self.state == LED.ON_STATE:




       self.c.itemconfig(self.led, fill=color)

   def set(self,state):

       “””Set the state of the LED to be True or False”””

       self.state = state


   def get(self):

       “””Returns the current state of the LED”””

       return self.state

## Future Functionality

##class gpioEdit(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):

## “””Dialog to be expanded to support advanced gpio features like

## – Pull Up / Pull Down Resistor Config

## – Debounce”””

## def __init__(self, master,gpio):

## top = = Toplevel(master)

## if gpio.isInput():

## title = “Edit Input: %s” %(str(

## else:

## title = “Edit Output: %s” %(str(

## l = Label(top,text=title)

## b = Button(top, text=”Submit”, command=self.submit)


## l.grid(row=0)

## b.grid(row=1)


## def submit(self):

## print(“Submitted”)


class GPIO(Frame):

   “””Each GPIO class draws a Tkinter frame containing:

   – A Label to show the GPIO Port Name

   – A data direction spin box to select pin as input or output

   – A checkbox to set an output pin on or off

   – An LED widget to show the pin’s current state

   – A Label to indicate the GPIOs current function”””

   gpio_modes = (“Passive”,”Input”,”Output”)

   def __init__(self,parent,pin=0,name=None,**kw): = pin

      if name == None:
 = “GPIO %02d” % (


         ##Future capability

         ##self.bind(‘<Double-Button-1>’, lambda e, s=self: self._configurePin(e.y))

         self.parent = parent


         self.state = False

         self.cmdState = IntVar()

         self.Label = Label(self,

         self.mode_sel = Spinbox(self,values=self.gpio_modes,wrap=True,command=self.setMode)

         self.set_state = Checkbutton(self,text=”High/Low”,variable=self.cmdState,command=self.toggleCmdState)

         self.led = LED(self,20)




         self.current_mode = StringVar()



         function = self.getPinFunctionName()

         if function not in [‘Input’,’Output’]:



            self.mode_sel[‘state’] = DISABLED

## def _configurePin(self, y):

## “””Future capability to setup pull up/down”””

## new = gpioEdit(self.parent,self)

    def isInput(self):

       “””Returns True if the current pin is an input”””

       return (self.mode_sel.get() == “Input”)

    def setMode(self):

        “””Sets the GPIO port to be either an input or output

       Depending on the value in the spinbox”””

       if (self.mode_sel.get() == “Input”):



       elif (self.mode_sel.get() == “Passive”):







    def getPinFunctionName(self):

        pin =

        functions = {pi.IN:’Input’,







        return functions[pi.gpio_function(pin)]

## Future Functionality

## def setPullUp(self,pullup):

## “””Defines the GPIO as having a pull up resistor so the input

## state is inverted when read

## setPullUp(True) – Pin is pulled up

## setPullUP(False) – Pin is not pulled up”””

## self.pullup = pullup

   def toggleCmdState(self):

      “””Reads the current state of the checkbox, updates LED widget

      and sets the gpio port state.”””

      self.state = self.cmdState.get()



   def updatePin(self):

      “””Sets the GPIO port state to the current state”””


   def updateLED(self):

      “””Refreshes the LED widget depending on the current state”””


   def updateInput(self):

      “””Updates the current state if the pin is an input and sets the LED”””

      if self.isInput():

         state = pi.input(

         self.state = state


class App(Frame):

   def __init__(self,parent=None, **kw):


      self.parent = parent


      self.ports = []

     ## Get the RPI Hardware dependant list of GPIO

     gpio = self.getRPIVersionGPIO()

     for num,(p,r,c) in enumerate(gpio):




   def onClose(self):

       “””This is used to run the Rpi.GPIO cleanup() method to return pins to be an input

       and then destory the app and its parent.”””



       except RuntimeWarning as e:




    def readStates(self):

        “””Cycles through the assigned ports and updates them based on the GPIO input”””

        for port in self.ports:


    def update(self):

        “””Runs every 100ms to update the state of the GPIO inputs”””


        self._timer = self.after(100,self.update)

   def getRPIVersionGPIO(self):

       “””Returns the GPIO hardware config for different Pi versions

       Currently supports layout 1 and 3″””

       gpio1 = ((0,0,0),

















       gpio2 = ((2,0,0),

















       gpio3 = ((2,0,0),


























   if pi.RPI_REVISION == 3:

      gpio = gpio3

      self.parent.title(‘Raspberry Pi GPIO – A+/B+/2B+’)

   elif pi.RPI_REVISION == 2:

        #Change this when I know the pins on RPi GPIO Version 2

        gpio = gpio2

        self.parent.title(‘Raspberry Pi GPIO – A/B Rev2’)

   elif pi.RPI_REVISION == 1:

        self.parent.title(‘Raspberry Pi GPIO – A/B’)

        gpio = gpio1


        self.parent.title(‘Raspberry Pi GPIO – Unknown Version’)

        ##Assume same config as A+/B+/2B+

        gpio = gpio3

        return gpio

def main():

    root = Tk()

    root.title(“Raspberry Pi GPIO”)

    a = App(root)


    “””When the window is closed, run the onClose function.”””




if __name__ == ‘__main__’:


  • Now save the program. We are saving it as python file.

Step 2 – Running the program and Understanding the GUI panel

  • Now open the terminal and type the command sudo python to run the program.
  • A panel window will open up like this –
  • From the Corresponding drop-down menu, you may set the status of any GPIO pin as Passive, Input, or Output.
  • If you’ve chosen Output, you’ll need to check or uncheck the associated High/Low box to set the Pin to Low or High.
  • If you choose Input, the low input will be displayed in Red, while the high input will be displayed in Green.

I hope all of you are clear about how to Design a Graphical panel to control all the 21 GPIO of Raspberry Pi as an Input or Output Pin. We MATHA ELECTRONICS will be back soon with more interesting topics.

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