The LCR-T4 12864 LCD Graphical Transistor Tester Resistance Capacitance ESR SCR Meter is an LCR-T4 12864 LCD Graphical Transistor Tester. It is powered by a 9V layer-built battery or two li-ion batteries combined to make an 8.4V battery pack for extended battery life. This tester can be used to determine the current amplification factor of bipolar transistors as well as the base-emitter threshold voltage. Using this metre, you may automatically test a component’s pin, and the results will be displayed on the 128 * 64 LCD backlight. It offers a one-button operation, automatic shutdown, and a shutdown current usage of only 20nA. Zener diode can be detected if the reverse breakdown voltage is less than 4.5V. 2uF additional capacitors can be used to test the equivalent series resistance ESR values at the same time. Darlington transistors can be identified using the base-emitter threshold voltage and high current amplification factor.
This tester can measure two resistors at the same time, and the resistor symbol is displayed. It has a decimal value of 4 and is displayed on the right. It can detect the transistor, MOSFET protection diode amplification coefficient, and the base to estimate the forward biassed voltage of the emitter transistor. NPN and PNP transistors, n-channel and p-channel MOSFETs, a diode (including a double diode), a thyristor, a transistor, a resistor, a capacitor, and other components are automatically detected.
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