Automatic Toilet door for Handicapped using Arduino Uno

This project’s primary goal is to automate toilet doors for individuals who are disabled or paraplegic. For those with disabilities, using the restroom can be a nightmare activity, with the majority of the difficulty coming from opening and closing the toilet door. 

Therefore, the goal of this project is to create handicapped-accessible, automated toilets that are simple to use. This particular modified version of an electronic door lock operates on an Arduino Uno. I think this Arduino project will make it easier for people with disabilities to use restrooms on their own. Let’s examine this project and how it functions.



  • Outside Activator:

To open the door, this interface is mounted outside the bathroom. Push buttons, no-touch magic switches, motion sensors, access badges, and cards are just a few examples of the interfaces you may use for this. As an alternative, you can use the remote buttons. This will be a straightforward push-button in my project.

  • Facility Operator:

A mounted device that locks and unlocks doors within the facility. Push-button, no-touch magic switch, and access tags or cards are the only available options.

  • Panic Device:

 These are used to open the door and sound the alarm in case of emergency, providing access for the response. An emergency door release shatter glass unit is an option, as is an additional button on the remote or nearby the user inside the facility. When this option is selected a second time, the panic state is reset. The facility thereafter resumes its regular state of availability. This automatic toilet door opener system will have two panic outputs: timed and constant. Together, these can activate sirens and strobes, or they can connect to external building management systems, security panels, etc. Internally, the timer output can be changed from 5 to 60 seconds. Here, loud, high-power sirens are required, so you can make use of the extra relay unit connected to pin 9 of Arduino.

  • Override:

To allow access for emergency personnel and facility maintenance professionals, this is positioned outside the building. The possibilities here include a remote button, a break-glass emergency door release unit, a key switch, or third-party solutions. It is crucial that only facility workers or emergency personnel get access to it in case of crisis.

  • Prank Sensor:

This preventative measure prevents the facility from being set to a lock state while the gate is open. By doing this, pranksters won’t be able to change the door to lock status, exit the building before it closes, and lock others out. A reed switch will serve as a door lock sensor in this project.


They are mounted inside and outside the building to display the restroom/toilet/bathroom status. The purpose of these indicators is to inform users of the present state of this toilet door opening device.

  • GREEN – indicates that the space is available and empty
  • RED – The facility is occupied and won’t open from the outside activator, according to the colour RED.
  • RED/GREEN – Fast fading and flashing signals an emergency at the facility.
  • ORANGE/GREEN – A pulse lasting one second signifies that the door has been left open by an override.

If the facility is empty, it cannot be placed in panic mode.


The indicator light is green and you are outside. When the toilet door is activated, it opens for long enough for you to enter the facility with a wheelchair. There is a green indicator light and you are inside. When the internal button is pressed, the indicator light changes to red, signaling that the space is occupied. Thus, this stops the Outside Activator from opening the door.

After washing your hands, press the internal button or device. When the indicator light changes to green, the door will then be left open so that you can leave. So let’s look at some unexpected events. The door is locked, you’re inside, and you need assistance. Also, the light is RED. When the panic device is activated, the indicator lights go crazy, a siren may ring, lights may flash, and the door may open, allowing those who can help you entrance. Reactivate the panic device to restore regular operation and turn the facility’s status back to green.

Think about another situation where you are inside and require assistance. But even though the door is locked and the indicator is RED, you were still able to contact for assistance even though you couldn’t use the Panic Device. For help opening the door from outside, there is an override button or activator. However, only corresponding personnel should be able to use the Override button, and it should only be utilised in the situations specified above.


Paraplegic toilet automatic door controls code by Anthony Kenny

// these constants won’t change
const int InsideButton = 6; // inside push button
const int Activator = 2; // remote, card reader, button etc. 
const int DoorClosed = 3; // mag reed switch to see if door is closed, door must not lock if open
const int Panic = 4; // panic button
const int EmergencyOpen = 5; // overide to open door
const int RedLED = 11; // Toilet Occupied indicator
const int GreenLED = 12; // Toilet Vacant indicator
const int Open = 10; // Open Toilet
const int Siren = 9; // Siren signal

// Vaiables that will change

int DoorState = 0; // Door leaf open/closed
int ToiletState = 0; // Toilet Locked/Unlocked/Emergency
int activate = 0; // Open Signals
int panic = 0; // Panic button
int Button = 0; // inside button
int flipflop = 0; // flip flop to activate deactivate panic status
long sirenruntime = 4700; // siren on time
int LEDredbrightness = 0; // how bright the red LED is
int LEDgreenbrightness = 255; // start brightness of green LED
int REDfadeAmount = 5; // how many points to fade the red LED by
int GREENfadeAmount = 0; // how many points to fade the green LED by
int Overide = 0; // external overide
int OverideState = 0; // overide status

void setup() {
// initialize inputs
pinMode(InsideButton, INPUT);
pinMode(Activator, INPUT);
pinMode(DoorClosed, INPUT);
pinMode(Panic, INPUT);
pinMode(EmergencyOpen, INPUT);

// initialize outputs
pinMode(Siren, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RedLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(GreenLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Open, OUTPUT);

Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication for probing

analogWrite(GreenLED, LEDgreenbrightness); //initial status


void loop() {

Outside toilet activation

activate = digitalRead(Activator); // read the activation signals input pins:
// ToiletState = digitalRead(DoorClosed);
// LockSignal = digitalRead(InsideButton); 
Button = digitalRead(InsideButton); // check inside button
DoorState = digitalRead(DoorClosed); // is door closed
panic = digitalRead(Panic); // is panic button pressed

if (activate == HIGH) { // open door if activated, remove later
if (ToiletState == LOW) { // if toilet unoccupied
digitalWrite(Open, HIGH); // open door
delay(1000); //so a short open pulse to operator
digitalWrite(Open, LOW); // close door
Serial.println(“opened”); // probe opened

External Overide
Overide = digitalRead(EmergencyOpen); // read emergency open signal

if (Overide == HIGH) { // if overide is active
if (OverideState == LOW) { // if door is not already over riden
OverideState = 1; // set to overide status
digitalWrite(Open, HIGH); // open door
analogWrite(GreenLED, 255); // make leds orange
analogWrite(RedLED, 100);
delay(2000); // delay for push button signal

Overide = digitalRead(EmergencyOpen); // read emergency open signal

if (Overide == HIGH) { // if overide is active
if (OverideState == HIGH) { // if door is not already over riden
OverideState = 0; // set to overide status
digitalWrite(Open, LOW); // open door
analogWrite(RedLED, 0); // turn off red LED
delay(2000); // delay for push button signal
Inside toilet button

if (Button == HIGH) { // if inside button pressed
Serial.print(“Inside Button “); // probe that inside button is pressed
if (DoorState == LOW) { // if door is closed
if (flipflop == LOW) { // check if not in emergency status
if (ToiletState == LOW) { // if door is unlocked
ToiletState = 1; // lock the door
analogWrite(GreenLED, 0); // change LED from green to red
analogWrite(RedLED, 255);
Serial.print(“Toilet State “); // probe toilet state
Serial.print(“Door State “); // probe Door State
delay(1000); // delay for push button signal

// inside button pressed
Button = digitalRead(InsideButton); // re-read inside button
if (Button == HIGH) { // if button is pressed
Serial.print(“Inside Button “); // probe that inside button is pressed
if (flipflop == LOW) { // check if not in emergency status
if (DoorState == LOW) { // if door is closed
if (ToiletState == HIGH) { // if door is locked
ToiletState = 0; // unlock door
analogWrite(GreenLED, 255); // set green LED to full
analogWrite(RedLED, 0); // set red LED to off
Serial.print(“Toilet State “); // probe toilet state
Serial.print(“Door State “); // probe door State
digitalWrite(Open, HIGH); // open door
digitalWrite(Open, LOW); // close door
Panic activation
int potValue = analogRead(A0); // declare and get pot value

panic = digitalRead(Panic); // is panic button pressed
if (panic == HIGH) { // check panic button
if (flipflop == LOW) { // check if already in emergency state
if (ToiletState == HIGH) { // check if the toilet is in use <locked> no need for emergency if toilet is not locked and occupied.
flipflop = 1; // change to emergency state
sirenruntime = (potValue * 12) + 600; // set siren run time
digitalWrite(Open, HIGH); // open door
Serial.println(“Emergency Opened”); // show door open on emergency
delay(1000); // delay for button

panic = digitalRead(Panic); // is panic button pressed
if (panic == HIGH) { // check panic button
if (flipflop == HIGH); { // check if already in emergency state
flipflop = 0; // change to safe state
Serial.println(“door closed”); // show door closed after emergency
digitalWrite(Open, LOW); // close door
delay(1000); // delay for button
ToiletState = 0; 
analogWrite(GreenLED, 255); // power up green LED
analogWrite(RedLED, 0); // power down red LED
Serial.print(“Toilet State “); // show toilet state
Serial.print(“Door State “); // show Door State
digitalWrite(Siren, LOW); // switch off siren

Siren and LEDs effects in emergency

if (flipflop == HIGH) { // if in emergency state

analogWrite(RedLED, LEDredbrightness); // set the brightness of RED
LEDredbrightness = LEDredbrightness + REDfadeAmount;

analogWrite(GreenLED, LEDgreenbrightness); // set the brightness of GREEN
LEDgreenbrightness = LEDgreenbrightness + GREENfadeAmount;

if (LEDredbrightness == 255) { // if red LED brightness is at 255 then 
REDfadeAmount = 0; // stop the red’s fade in and 
GREENfadeAmount = 5; // start the green’s fade in

if (LEDgreenbrightness == 255) { // if green LED brightness is at 255 then 
REDfadeAmount = -5; // start to fade out red and
GREENfadeAmount = 0; // stop the green’s fade in

if (LEDredbrightness == 0) { // if red LED brightness is at 0 then 
REDfadeAmount = 0; // stop the red’s fade out and
GREENfadeAmount = -5; // start to fade out green
LEDredbrightness = 5; // set red brighness to five for the next loop < if (LEDredbrightness == 0) >

if (LEDgreenbrightness == 0) { // if green LED brightness is at 0 then 
REDfadeAmount = 5; // then start to fade in red and
GREENfadeAmount = 0; // stop green’s fade out
LEDgreenbrightness = 5; // set greens brighness to five for the next loop < if (LEDgreenbrightness == 0) >
if (sirenruntime > 0) { // if time has not run out
tone(13, 3000); // 3kHz to Piezo
digitalWrite(Siren, HIGH); // siren is on
sirenruntime = sirenruntime – 5; // siren decrement
Serial.print(“siren run time “); // probe run time left
if (sirenruntime <= 0) { // if sirentime is 0 or less
noTone(13); // stop piezo
digitalWrite(Siren, LOW); // stop siren


  1. You must construct two separate relay units, one for the door and the other for the siren. For the sake of simplicity, the circuit schematic only shows one relay unit.
  2. Since different activators and sirens function under different ratings, replace the transistor and relay according to your required current and voltage.
  3. Between the Arduino pins and the transistor base, add a bias resistor.
  4. The door activator mechanism or unit needs to be activated or deactivated utilizing the relay unit, which is outside the purview of this project article.

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