IoT Based Liquid Level Monitoring System

We are living in a technology-based society where we have lots of innovative ideas day by day. These new innovations in IoT communications-based projects come as an ever-growing network that strives constantly to share and gather insight on the latest trends in the industrial IoT Platform. This IoT-based Liquid level monitoring system is designed explicitly to provide real-time monitoring of the liquid level and to prevent it from Overflowing. This project offers a wide range of applications in the Industrial sector that uses large volumes of fluids in their day-to-day operations. In addition to it, this system can als be used to track the usage of particular chemicals and detect the leak in the pipe.

Three-fourth of the earth’s surface is covered with water but only a small proportion of it accounts for freshwater that can be put to use. One of the major problems faced by most countries is the issue of water scarcity in the world and wastage during transmission. Water scarcity is caused by over-exploitation, excessive use, and unequal access to water among different social groups. IoT-based Water  Level Monitoring system is an innovative system that will inform the users about the level of liquid and will prevent it from overflowing. Thereby helps to reduce the wastage of water up to an extend. The main objective of this system is to monitor the water level in rural areas thereby helping to detect the wastage of water and measures can be taken to avoid unnecessary overflowing of water in the areas where monitoring  is a difficult  task.


Liquid level controllers are electrical devices that detect when vessel levels are too low 

or too high. When a probe senses a specific liquid level, it will automatically refill the system. They use the conductivity of the liquid to complete a circuit, using probes to detect the liquid levels and replenish them when necessary. This IoT-based liquid level monitoring system is an automatic system that gives the intimation message or signal to the user about liquid level in a certain tank and prevents the liquid tank from overflowing. If we talk about at domestic or industrial level, then we can see mostly we save the liquid such as water or any chemical material in a cylindrical or any other type of tank. 

This liquid level monitoring system helps to monitor the liquid levels inside the tank/ reservoir in real time. Thereby allows accessing the fluid level information, temperature, and RH on the mobile/desktop. Moreover, this real-time monitoring helps to know about the existing stock and theft for multiple locations at a time.


This system has ultrasonic sensors which are connected in a liquid tank at different levels. This system is directly coupled with 230V ac then these are stepped down to 6 or 9V ac with help of a step-down transformer. Bridge rectifiers are used to convert this AC voltage to DC voltage. Then these dc voltages are regulated to 5V dc through the voltage regulator. LCD display, WiFi modem, and microcontroller are powered through this voltage regulator.  

These ultrasonic sensors sense the water level from each container and then send the logic high signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller which is interfaced with ultrasonic sensors, WiFi modem, and LCD display, it sends the logic high signal or data to WiFi modem and LCD display. Then this WiFi modem sends this data to user dedicated webpage where the user can easily understand the water or liquid level of their desired tank. This dedicated webpage displays this data with a graphical view of the container and highlights the water level. Similarly, the microcontroller also displays this data on the system LCD display. 


  • Fuel Tank Level Monitoring
  • Water Tank Level Monitoring
  • Smart Irrigation
  • Mobile Tanker Level Monitoring
  • Wireless Tank Level Monitoring
  • Boosting Operational Excellence


  • Optimize Demand – Supply
  • Reduce Human Resource Requirement
  • Trace leaks in Real-time
  • Trace fuel theft
  • Monitor hazardous chemical usage
  • Monitor Propane tank
  • Reduce manual operations
  •  Keep the costs low
  • Witness no overflow or dry running of water pumps
  • Trace the usage of highly corrosive and acidic substances


  • Arduino Uno

This microcontroller is open-source based on the Microchip ATmega328P developed by Arduino. cc. The current version of Arduino Uno comes with a USB interface, 14 digital I/O pins, 6 analog pins, an ICSP header, 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a power jack,  and a reset button. And an Atmega328 microcontroller is used to connect with external electronics circuits.


This ultrasonic sensor module is used for measuring distance, object sensors, motion sensors, etc. Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 uses sonar to measure the distance of the object. It emits an ultrasonic wave at 40 kHz which will go and bounce back after hitting an object. An ultrasonic sensor detects and measures the distance of a target object using ultrasonic sound waves and converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal. 


Displaying information is one of the crucial steps in electronic projects. So using LCDs has always been one of the most popular ways to display information. This 1602 LCD module is a very popular display. 16*2 LCD module consists of 16 columns and 2 rows, so it has 32 (16*2) characters in total.

  •  WiFi MODULE:

  ESP8266 Wifi Module AP & Station Remote Serial Wireless IoT Board designed based on an integrated chip specifically to fulfill the needs of a new connected world. It can handle all the necessary overhead for communicating with your network, such as TCP/IP stack and communicating with your 802.11 networks. The  ESP8266  WiFi Module is a self-contained SoC with an integrated  TCP/IP protocol stack that can give access to your WiFi network (or the device can act as an access point). One useful feature of Uno WiFi is support for  OTA (over-the-air) programming, either for the transfer of Arduino sketches or WiFi firmware.


This proposed system is an IoT-based Liquid level monitoring system for various industries using a microcontroller-based circuit. This system is a cost-effective, practical, eco-friendly, and safest way to save the liquid and prevent it from overflowing. This project proposes a  simple water level monitoring system with different levels indicated.  It also signifies when the water level is below and above then the requirement. System design and architecture are as discussed,  thus being a cost-effective and simple strategy to monitor the  water level system.

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