The LMx39x and LM2901xx devices are made up of four separate voltage comparators that can operate across a broad variety of voltages from a single power source. Dual-supply operation is also conceivable, as long as the voltage difference between the two sources is between 2 and 36 V and VCC is at least 1.5 V higher than the input common-mode voltage. The supplied voltage has no effect on the current drain. To establish wired-AND connections, the outputs were linked to additional open-collector outputs.
The LM139 and LM139A devices are designed to operate at temperatures ranging from –55°C to 125°C, which is the complete military temperature range. The LM239 and LM239A devices have a temperature range of –25°C to 125°C. The LM339 and LM339A devices are designed to operate at temperatures ranging from 0 to 70 degrees Celsius. The LM2901, LM2901AV, and LM2901V devices are designed to operate at temperatures ranging from –40°C to 125°C.
The LMx39 is a dual comparator with a supply pin that can handle up to 36 V. This industry standard has demonstrated its ubiquity and adaptability in a wide range of applications. This is owing to the device’s wide supply voltage range (2 to 36 V), low Iq, and quick reaction. Based on the input differential polarity, the LMx39 acts purely as a voltage comparator, evaluating the differential voltage between the positive and negative pins and outputs a logic low or high impedance (logic high with pullup). Use a bypass capacitor on the supply pin to reject any fluctuation in the supply voltage for rapid response and comparison applications with noisy or AC inputs. This variation can affect the common-mode range of the comparator input and create an inaccurate comparison.
- Industrial
- Â Automotive
– HEV/EV and Power Trains
– Infotainment and Clusters
– Body Control Modules
- Â Power Supervision
- Oscillators
- Peak Detectors
- Logic Voltage Translation
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